There are many misconceptions regarding worktop joints. Some companies claim they have an invisible jointing system, but there is no such thing! We can produce inconspicuous joints, joints that are seamless from a natural distance, but we will never claim that a joint is invisible. We strongly recommend a visit to our showroom where we will be able to personally show you multiple joints on various worktop examples and explain to you the process in which they are carried out.
We personally believe these are the best joints you can possibly get. They are sanded down together to perfection and look almost invisible (and from a metre away you usually can't tell), as a bonus they're also non-porous and sealed, making them waterproof and removing all possible need for sillicone. Sometimes the pattern of the worktops can make them more apparent, for example if you have chosen a worktop with a natural vein or some sort of distinct design, when the vein is cut and jointed to another piece it will typically be seen. We do use techniques such as an S shaped joint (these are often done on the CNC) to try and counteract this.
They are also far superior to quartz, siltstone and granite joins. These are very visible and often the silicone discolours and eventually grows mould when it comes into contact with moisture over time.
Laminate joints can be referred to as a butt and scribe joint (or butt joints if not a postformed worktop). All of our laminate joints are done this way, and you'll find the worktops you already have at home probably use it too. It's a combination of two cuts which are joined together by placing them end to end, requiring no special shaping.
We can personally cut butt and scribe jointed worktops and edge them if required.
On site we can also scribe/adjust the joint to fit whichever walls you show us. If we fit the join, it is always much better, however if you’re on a budget or using upstands the cut to size is a much better value.
Sometimes for budget projects these are required, and we do stock these if you need them.
They're not personally advised if you can afford it as they're definitely a less hygienic option compared to the regular solid surface or laminate joining methods, and a lot more unsightly and visible similar to sillicone.
We will not fit these personally, however.
Units 10 to 12, Newport Business Centre, Corporation Road Newport South Wales NP19 4RF